Sunday, March 7, 2010


The previous post, "The Rising Sun Outshines The Stars" takes the form if what I originally envisioned this blog consisting of. It is a loose page that was at the front of the front section of the broken file folder containing the remnants of "The Museum" an unfinished novel.

There were a number of different beginnings before that one. I'll make another post about how it was that the novel became something that was not finished and also probably never to be finished.

One major reason for typing them into the computer in the first place is that many if not most of the papers I have related to the museum are physical copies and the only copies I have. I have lost a but load of this. And those losings really played a factor in the changing of the novel and the unfinishingableness of the whole affair.

Some will be saved on The Dude. But that computer is in windows format and some of the files are in works not word. More importantly I do not have The Dude or access to him and I don't know if this situation will ever change (even slightly).

Now, the title for the first post was, "The Rising Sun Outshines The Stars". The title on the single sheet of paper I have contains the title "And the Rising Sun Outshone All the Night Stars" which is different and longer. I was thinking to just type the things in they way they were. But this one is sort of old and I ended up cutting a number of adjectives and adverbs. There were some faint pencil notations that I didn't get right away but now I see them but they weren't taken care of in the typing in. Obviously I didn't do much substantial editing.

I first typed it into a google document. Because I became worried about this being the internet and blogs being a publishing of things. Now I don't expect this to be published and I don't think anyone is reading this - well maybe in the future some robots will read it and up to ten or 20 people. But those robots have good memories. And I stuck a bunch of things in the museum folder which were more one off things that I added as sort of background type shit for the museum or they were thematically kind of similar.

Also, much of the writing is old. I started in 2000 but most of it was 2001-2 By 2003 I was already thinking it was a lost cause. But that didn't stop me from adding new bits

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