anyways, I think that the entries with labels other than narrative proper should probably count towards the end word count. of course there is silliness here with a blog and not a word processor. I did edit a bit page one. I don't know about details for maybe a thing where there are edits done. I am adding another page from that website which I am stealing too much from. The domain is samizdat and it is dot cc so that makes me seem they are cool with shit. I don't know.

I have this feeling of wanting to take advantage of this. And for me the way that a story is told or the way that I would choose to make things go forward.
Ok, for me, I wouldn't learn a story in a straight narrative. I enjoy the side details and ok side details is wrong - parts that speak truth in giving a window into what it was actually like to experience the thing.
so much of history is completely misunderstood by the people doing it at a time. That is a bit silly sounding because I don't really fall into the camp of people are wrong about their motivations for shit (Marx vs Feurbach on people's experience of religion in their lives) but that say, Robert McNamara really thought that the Viet Nam War was about communism and still does not understand that they were fighting an anti-imperialist freedom struggle
you get this weight of the past. and that is a big part of the themes I want
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