Sunday, November 7, 2010

You will be written ocassionally as pages (or blog posts) from 50 to 150 words

You will be written ocassionally as pages (or blog posts) from 50 to 150 words. I am going to invite a small random bunch out of the corpus, "people I think are way cool and think might do this.

This is a choose your own adventure.

No, this is a create your own adventure.

50-150 words - if you go over 150, just pick a number after what you would then go back and number your first page. or give yourself two choices, you can then right to another choice page, an end page, a rejoin the story page, a you're dead and this adventure is seriously over page (I might want to look at that but if you want that cool.

and there are beginnings under the tag beginnings and choice pages with tag choice.

So, I'm using a version of the wave method of writing for NaNoWriMo here. The specific version is molded by my hazy memory of something that was not properly explained to me and I didn't really get at the time beyond incorporating some of the talk or what it seemed like she did with it.

And it is a metaphorical wave method. There are these bits - some even of other things - but part of what the soul memory and community feelings that are represented by the various stories of other times and places you in various guises - and so these make up part of the museum of adventures - It is an attempt at creating in non-Gonzo format a more-Gonzo than I've ever seen printed account from the account of you. A you written by an author (a community can be an author) me and three people thinking of helping.

So. you can

but it is a choose your own adventure so there is adventure and it is you doing the adventuring. Second person, present tense.

oh and we need character pages. You can email me or call me or come see me or I'll stop by. It may take till the end of the month for me to organize this shit and explain what I want you to do:
write 50 to 150 words of an adventure starting with the main on which is that you woke up one morning and everyone was gone - just gone - you didn't even notice right away.

And then it turned out that it was only most people who had disappeared without warning, notice, or explanation. And you are about 16 when this starts and you walk to your high school and you end up after many realizations and choices (or few) you end up going to your 3rd period science class. You are Tracey Fletcher and for no good reason that is ever explained -likewise there is no explanation given for what happened to everyone. For me that isn't meant to really be a focus. Like Lost kept pretending that it was all going to end up making sense. fuck shit. never mind.

"Now, Nick, you don't swear like that when you talk ... why do you swear so much in your writing" "I don't know and I swear less when I am around you than when I am in other situations."

So you just

get bits of plot down. Even sentences even phrases. Those are legit posts here.

Or you can do choices as comments as regular comments

ok so

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